Download WordPress Plugin: Visual Composer Extensions v2.2.5 for WordPress – CodeCanyon: Visual Composer Extensions comes with its own, fully featured, lightbox solution that can be used for images, videos and iframes, as well as for modal popups. Including 20 different open/close animations, social share feature (with deeplinking), an automatic grid builder for image galleries, the ability to group elements throughout a page, touch and swipe support and much more.
Starting with version 2.0 of the plugin, custom post types have been introduced. Currently, there are two custom post types, one for team mates and one for testimonials. Using custom post types makes it easy to reuse information for a variety of elements without having to re-enter it again and again.
While the original Visual Composer plugin already allows you to embed a simple Google map via iframe, you will now be able to control every aspect of your map, including custom marker (300 markers already included; upload your own), marker animation, turn on/off individual map controls, complete directions module with printout, Open Street Map layer and dozens of fun color styles that can be applied to your map.
Demo Wordpress Plugin: Visual Composer Extensions v2.2.5 for WordPress – CodeCanyon